Personal and Business Registry Forms Available for Download
To avoid prolonged waiting times, you can download, print and fill out document requests, which you can later file with our agents at Camrose Registry.
If you're buying or selling your vehicle, please download the following:
For more forms and information, please visit the Service Alberta website.
To apply for Vital Statistics documents, please fill out the pertinent application:
For more information about Alberta registries, please see the Service Alberta website.

Driver’s Abstract
Driver’s License and ID Card Renewals
What is “MyAlberta Digital ID”?
It’s a free account that lets you prove who you are online without paper documents or face-to-face visits. MyAlberta Digital ID gives you seamless access to a growing range of government sites and services, while protecting your information and privacy.
MyAlberta Digital ID takes about 2 weeks to verify and set up.
Once your Alberta Digital ID has been verified you can set up and access many registry services via MyAlberta eServices.
To LOGIN to your existing Alberta Digital ID, or
Set up a NEW Alberta Digital ID or MyAlberta eServices account
If you require any documents to be translated please click on the following link for a certified translation service.